5 Ayurvedic Hair Care Tips for Strong, Healthy Hair

5 Ayurvedic Hair Care Tips for Strong, Healthy Hair

Is your hair feeling lifeless? According to Ayurveda – the science behind Ayurvedic hair treatment in kerala, the health of each hair on your head symbolizes the health of your entire body, which is dependent on an appropriate diet, a balanced lifestyle, and correct treatment. 

 Aside from these, several additional factors might influence the appearance and feel of your hair, including your dosha type (mind-body constitution) and age, as well as hormonal cycles, stress, pollution, the weather, and the prescription drugs you are taking. 

 Ayurveda praises all types of hair, including thick and glossy, gray and thin, and fine and silky. Whatever your natural hair type, these easy Ayurvedic hair care tips can keep your locks looking great. 

Ayurvedic Beauty Tips for Hair 

 1. Provide your Hair with a Nutritious Diet

Food and digestion, like so many other aspects of ayurvedic hair treatment in Kerala, are top priorities!

Poor nutrition and/or absorption can lead to lanky, lifeless hair. Your hair and nails are byproducts of bone metabolism, therefore eating a bone-nourishing diet can be beneficial. 

Furthermore, because healthy bone tissues rely on healthy fat tissue, it is beneficial to follow a diet that aids in the purification of fat tissue. Here are some guidelines: 

  • Seasonal veggies and leafy greens - According to Vijayan Master's Ayurveda, cooked greens and bitter, leafy green vegetables are very beneficial to hair; but, as usual, choose meals that taste good, are seasonally suitable, and balance your dominant dosha type.
  • Hair-friendly foods - Incorporate great foods for your hair including fresh coconut, almonds, pumpkin seeds, and walnuts.
  • Healthy fats - Choose olive oil or ghee over meals that are harder to digest, such as refined sweets, iced drinks and foods, leftovers, packaged goods, and deep-fried dishes.
  • Ayurvedic SpicesIt is no secret that Ayurvedic spices are highly useful in aiding the digestion and assimilation of nutrients, which eventually promote your hair. Season your vegetables with a flavorful spice blend (naturally dosha-balancing), and experiment with equal parts fenugreek, cumin, turmeric, and coriander sautéed in ghee or olive oil to help detoxify fat tissue, strengthen bones, and help you out in nutrient absorption.

2. Prefer Natural Hair care Products

Unfortunately, many shampoos, conditioners, and hair-care products including products like hair spray for hair growth contain chemicals such as sodium lauryl sulfate, DEA, and/or propylene glycol, which can damage and deplete your hair's natural sheen over time. 

Read shampoo labels carefully and, wherever feasible, go for more gentle, herbal formulas like the ones at Vijayan Master’s Ayurveda; they may not have the same rich lather or smell, but they are better for your hair. It is also beneficial to wash your hair with chlorine-free water. 

 3. Massage your Scalp with Hot Oil

Massage heated oil into your scalp to stimulate and hydrate it, both of which can increase hair growth. Warm one to two teaspoons of moisturising, soothing, or stimulating ayurvedic hair oil from Vijayan Master’s Ayurveda.

If possible, leave the oil on overnight (cover your head in a towel to preserve clothing and linens), or for an hour or two before shampooing. This will nourish your hair, soothe your mind and body, and encourage sound sleep. If your hair is dry, attempt to massage your scalp at least once or twice a week.

Brushing your hair also stimulates the hair follicles - Brush your hair in all directions as follows: left to right, right to left, front to rear, and back to front. Brush in smooth, lengthy strokes from the head to the ends of your hair. Use a wooden comb to avoid static electricity. 


Use Vijayan Master’s ayurvedic hair oil for dandruff and massage into your scalp. Allow to sit for half an hour before washing. Dandruff can also be an indication of poor digestion, therefore improving your underlying nutrition and digestive power will help you get rid of dandruff naturally. 

 4. Strengthen your Locks with Vitamins

According to Ayurveda, your hair's health, color, and sheen begin in the liver. Toxins can circulate in the blood and collect in your scalp and hair follicles if your liver is in poor condition. 

 5. Manage Stress

Excessive stress can affect hair growth and cause premature graying. Keep your stress levels under control with these simple Ayurvedic strategies!

  • Practice yoga postures on a daily basis to reduce stress and regulate fat metabolism. 
  • Do not underestimate the power of habit. Maintain a daily ‘Ayurvedic Dinacharya’. 
  • Practicing stress-reduction strategies are useful. For example, the meditation approach promotes deep relaxation, stress relief, and the development of natural stress resistance, and has been found to repair stress-induced damage. 
  • Remember to play and have fun! Your hair will thank you. 

Ayurveda transcends barriers by addressing individual needs, ensuring that no destination remains unattainable. Embrace your uniqueness and embark on a journey of self-discovery with Vijayan Master's Ayurveda.

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